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Information om International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme - IB - på Carlforsska gymnasiet

International Baccalaureate

Diploma Program - IBDP


IB program prepares you for the future and futhur studies around the world. The program is all in english.

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Högskoleförberedande program


IB är ett studieförberedande program som är likadant över hela världen och genom detta så antas du till högre utbildningar i andra länder på samma sätt som alla andra som läst ett IB-program. Du får givetvis också behörighet till universitet och högskola i Sverige. Du söker på samma sätt som du söker de andra gymnasieprogrammen men om du inte har svenska som modersmål och vistats i Sverige en kortare tid så kan du ändå få en plats genom att göra inträdesprov i engelska och matematik. "think globally, act locally"


In English

You can read more about the IB program at Carlforsska gymnasium below. It is all in english.

More about IB Pdf, 266.5 kB.

Programblad för International Baccalaureate Program Pdf, 836.6 kB.

IB is the world's only internationally recognised high school programme. It is available in over 2000 schools in 130 countries worldwide. The whole curriculum is taught in English and after you have your diploma you will be able to continue your education anywhere in the world. This is made that much easier as IB is a highly esteemed programme that employers and universities around the world instantly recognise and respect.

You should choose the IB diplom programme if you:

  • Want to study in English
  • Want your studies to be demanding
  • Want to be able to tailor your curriculum to your own desires and future plans
  • Want to become an active world citizen
  • Want an international perspective to your high school studies and the option of university studies anywhere in the world.

In Sweden, you study the diploma programme over the course of three years, of which the first year is a preparatory year. During year 1, you will study subjects that bridge between your previous studies and the diploma programme.

All of the courses in year 1 are from the Swedish national programme. Not only does this allow students to prepare for their studies in the diploma, but it also allows students who are a little unsure about IB to come to Carlforsska and try out life in IB for the first year. If you decide that IB is not for you, then you can find a different programme and feel safe that your studies from year 1 will still count for any other högskoleförberedande program.

Poängplan, year 1, pre-DP


Svenska 1/SvA 1


Engelska, nivå 5


Matematik, nivå 1c


Naturkunskap, nivå 1b


Psykologi, nivå 1


Fysik, nivå 1b1


Samhällskunskap, nivå 1


Bild och form, nivå 1b


Idrott och hälsa, nivå 1


IB studies

Study skills

dansande elever

Within the IB diploma programme, students have a large amount of freedom to create their own study-plan. There are some key essentials covering languages and maths, beyond that students can select almost whatever they want.


Students select any two languages from the list below,

· Swedish A (mother tongue)
· English A (mother tongue)
· Your own mother tongue, language A
· Swedish B (developing language)
· English B (developing language)


All students complete an intensive maths course (standard-level mathematics applications and interpretations) in year 2 – this is equivalent to matte 3.
For those students that do well and wish to continue with maths, they can opt to take a higher-level maths course in year 3. The higher-level course is equivalent to matte 5.
For students that do not want more maths, they can opt out of maths in year 3 and focus on their other studies.

Other subjects

Students can select any 3 subjects from the list below,

· Biology
· Chemistry
· Physics
· Environmental studies (ESS)
· Psychology
· Global Politics
· Visual Art

The subject list above is correct for the current diploma classes. This may change in the future.


Example study-plans

Student A (Natural sciences)

Student B (Social sciences)

Swedish A

English A

English B

Swedish A

Mathematics (with extension)

Maths (simple)


Global Politics




Environmental Studies

Student C (Arts)

Student D (Languages)

English A

Own mother tongue, language A

Swedish B

English B

Maths (simple)

Swedish B


Maths (simple)



Visual Art

Environmental Studies

Student E

Student F

English A

Swedish A

Swedish A

English B

Maths (with extension)

Maths (with extension)



Global Politics

Global Politics

Visual Art

Environmental Studies

All of the subjects are available at a standard level or a higher level, the only difference between these is depth of study.


dansande elever

Beside the disciplinary and interdisciplinary studies the diploma programme features three core elements that are designed to broaden your educational experience and challenge you to apply your knowledge and skills.

All students follow an interdisciplinary course in (TOK) "Theory Of Knowledge" that develops critical thinking and a deeper understanding of both your studies and yourself.

(CAS) "Creativity, Activity and Service" stimulates social engagement, personal creativity as well as physical activity.

Your (EE) "Extended Essay" is a research project which is an extensive research paper on one subject, equivalent to Swedish "Gymnasiearbete".


dansande elever

Admission into IB program is exactly the same as admission into any other gymnasium program:

  • For those students in year 9, apply for Carlforsska/IB during your application process.
  • For those students who are already following a gymnasium program and wish to transfer, speak to your SYV about transfering into our program
  • For those students who are presently completing the "språkintroduktion", speak to your SYV who will guide you through our entrance tests (Link).

Entrance requirements and Entrance Tests for new arrivals
For those students who have recently arrived in Sweden and have not completed year 9 of "högstadiet" in Sweden you will have to complete our entrance tests.

Follow this link for more information: Link.


After your three years at IB-DP at Carlforsska Gymnasiet you are very well prepared to join higher education all over the world including Sweden.
For all of our students, Carlforsska has a dedicated careers advisor who can help you with your future studies at university.

For those students who want to study in Sweden, Christer Sjöberg can provide support and guidance. To contact Christer, you can email him, christer.sjoberg@vasteras.se or telephone / SMS 0765 69 33 33. For students already at Carlforsska you can also contact Christer through Teams.

For more details of studies in Sweden, for IB students see: antagning.se

For those students who want to study in the UK, Tony Nicolas can provide support and guidance. To contact Tony, you can email him, tony.nicolas@vasteras.se or telephone / SMS 0765 69 36 63. For students already at Carlforsska you can also contact Tony through Teams.

Tony can also provide support and guidance for students that wish to study elsewhere within the EU.

For students that wish to study outside of Europe, we will do our best to help you, but you will have to do most of the research yourself.